I didn't take any of the shots, but my thought process is similar. I'm at sufficiently low risk that I could afford to take a "wait and see" approach, knowing that new drugs often take a while to show problems (even with very extensive testing, which these didn't have) and that there'd never been a good coronavirus vaccine before. I figured I'd wait a few years, until we had better data, then make a free and informed choice, just like every other drug I've taken as an adult.

At this point? No. I'm not convinced the vaccines work very well, I'm not convinced that being vaxxed is safer for me than remaining unvaxxed, but more importantly, I'm not going to encourage all the coercion and propaganda and sheer unreasonable nonsense that's going on by giving its architects what they want. When you reward behavior, you get more of it.

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My position is somewhat similar. I got vaccinated back in the summer, but my estimate of my personal risk profile was such that I probably wouldn't have, except that I was thinking more along the lines of "doing my part" not to be a vector of transmission. But then it turns out that my chances of being a vector of transmission are barely different for barely a few months, and I'm not "doing my part" for anything productive if people are losing their jobs, health care, etc., over making a different choice for themselves. Now I've shifted pretty strongly against the vaccines in general, including boosters and children.

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I agree with your assessment. As long as people comply, this will never end. You cannot comply your way out of tyranny. FYI, there is some evidence that the jabs impair ones ability to mount durable cellular immunity with infection.

Page 28...

"(iii) recent observations from UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) surveillance data that N antibody levels appear to be lower in individuals who acquire infection following 2 doses of vaccination."


I recommend you take steps to boost your immunity (Vitamin D, Zinc, Vitamin C, Quercetin, N-acetyl cysteine) and get yourself some Ivermectin.




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I skipped the vaccine altogether. The more they coerce, the happier I am with my decision.

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Dude, I am right there with you. I am 67 and have a blood clotting disorder. Theoretically, I am a good candidate for the booster. Having said that, our 'health officials" have lied to us about EVERYTHING, including masks, lockdowns, and vaccine efficacy. They can screw themselves. I will not reward their tyranny. I have a vitamin D3 level of 75ng/L and I have therapeutics in case I get it anyway. That is enough. We move forward.

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Besides the severe pain, fever and uncontrollable diarrhea I had significant uterine bleeding that went on for weeks. The side effects for the first shot were much worse and I suspect I have already had covid, which presented as a mild cold for me, an otherwise healthy 30-something. I did just find out I was pregnant and there is no way I’m going to take a shot that causes my uterus to eject its contents. They can take their authoritarianism and shove it

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I know it's damn near impossible to do, but what I'd love to see from you Gummi is more deep dive on vaccine injury, especially re VAERS. Obviously huge numbers of reports, but how many of them actually indicate that its the shot's fault? The CDC seems to simply bury it, ignore everything while others assume every report is a real vax injury. Neither are of course true. How does one properly read the data?

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Excellent logic, it's why I declined the jab completely - I could see it rolling down to younger and younger cohorts whose risk benefit ratio was entirely the wrong way around, and I didn't want that so I had to take a stand. Then I read Geert Vanden Bossche and the dangers of mass vaccination with a leaky vaccine became evident https://www.geertvandenbossche.org/ ....only those truly at risk from the virus should ever have chanced the jab as the more people get it the quicker it would become ineffective

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Thanks Gummi for coming around. I understand you like looking at data to form your opinion. Problem is that with COVID more than with many other issues of the past, we can’t trust the data. The data does not meet with the reality on the frontlines.

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"I believe the booster is a net positive in terms of my risk of dying from Covid-19" Unless you have diabetes, are overweight, or have dealt or are dealing with cancer, what are we talking, a .002% net positive of hospitalization and death? Insane. Anyone not in these categories taking the original vaccine are complicit in "the forced vaccination of our children, mask mandates, and restrictions." AND vaccinated people like yourself are complicit in allowing "public health" to not focus on treatment; allowing doctors, pharmacists and hospitals to deny treatment and literally killing people. No one, NO ONE knows the long term effects of these vaccines. More "reported" deaths and adverse effects for all vaccines for the last 40 years combined. We need people like you not just to deny getting a booster but to come out and admit that falling in line with the original vaccine (that isn't an inoculation) has contributed to all the medical tyranny we see now.

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Great job friend. I agree with a lot of this and respect the parts I don’t agree with :)

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"I’ve spoken out at length about how it is stupid to keep people locked down after getting vaccinated because that is when they have the best odds at encountering the live virus and developing natural immunity (the superior immunity) without dying."

You need to learn about Original Antigenic Sin and how you can't ever get natural immunity once you've had the vaccine.

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Gibraltar 99% vaccinated, rolls out the booster, sees a big spike. https://eugyppius.substack.com/p/booster-doses-are-extremely-dangerous?r=h571h&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_source=

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Well said! I have a piece posting later today on the vax, getting to similar conclusions: does it make sense for my 80yo grandmother? Yes. Does it make sense for me as a healthy 30-something? Absolutely not - the risk from the vax is ~10x the risk of the 'roni. I won't comply.

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I never bought into any of the measures. I was so upset with my fellow Americans agreeing with Trump that we should lockdown for 2 weeks to slow the spread. Never bought in. Ever. I said it back then, that this was just the beginning…get ready for more measures. My friends thought I was crazy, no way would anything resembling Chinese policies go over here in the US. And yet here we are nearly 2 years later with rights gone and people still thinking it was the right thing to do. I can not believe it.

I don’t believe that our forebears locked themselves in their homes and stopped commerce while smallpox was raging. Life is not without risk. Somehow earlier generations knew this and lived their lives accordingly.

DeSantis 2024!!!!

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